Friday, October 12, 2012


Personal Experience

August 10,2012- AIRPORT

I am so excited! Man i can't WAIT. My first trip out of the U.S. I had my bags pack 2 days ago. My mom still can't believe I'm really doing this going to a safari. Wildlife here comes your bride. "Mom, I be back," I explain to her, "It's not like I'm going to die." " your my first daughter an the craziest person on earth to want to see real life animals." I could hardly think about how  much my mom was worried. Only thing i could think of is that i had to get on the plane in 10 mintues."Dad, pklease keep mom's mine off of me while I'm gone. I'm going to call you when i reach Africa and then 2 days after each call i make. HAHA you always tought me to save my money.""I will try. I hope you find that crazy side of your mind over there and then want to come back to reality.""I love you guys come here hugs and kisses.


Man it smell like feet. I should of never been cheap this not even continential it's something i got out of the book "Dummies Cheap Flights." I needed some first class service. I couldn't understand why people bring baby's on a plane all they want to do is sleep, eat, and cry when they dont get there way. So you know there was a baby on the plane cause you could smell the diaper when you first took your step on the royal blue flooring. 15 hours later. I'm getting off the plane waiting for the guy that holds a sign saying BRIANNA JONES to take me to my desination. But I get off the plane to realize they spell my name wrong."Omg, that is not how you spell my name sir.'' "Sorry." Now many of people say I was rachet but I wasnt because if it  was your name it would be the same way. 
August 11, 2012
Im rubbertramping  now like Alex McCandless would say in the book "Into the Wild." His book is my survival guide. Man, Im about the luckiest person on earth. "My namen is Kevin and I would be your tour guide of Kenya Safari." He seems happy. He was young about in his mid-20's a college student I would say. He was Black with nice eyes hazel to be exact. He was tall. But the most ugly part of him was his sike it had so many marks and brusies. Later on, My feet were about to die. I might not make it to see my mom." Theses are loins," he told me. My eyes jump look at Kevin and wanted to say take me home Im not about this life. I wanted to run but Kevion had whisper if you run your a died female. I told him he needed to feed his animals. So when I finally got back to my camp out. I went  to sleep and wish that when I woke up Im home back to reality.
August 24, 2012
                                                                              I guess I've acheive my goal. Lost my fear of animals that seem to be "oh D!" large in my case. I learn to also apprecite the fact of my living conditioning. I saw so many people there that were hungry and trying to provide for there family's. I learn storys about girls in Africa that get rape. An there is  no lae enforement over here. Before I catch my flight to go back to home I'm donating the rest of my money to charity. The animals were kind but not caring. You could tell that the moneys were ahppy in there habitat jumping form tree to tree. I felt asthough I sghould have join them and it would of been like Tarzan again just with a different name Tarzana. Well, today would be the last day for me writing in this journal.

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