Thursday, December 13, 2012

Putting It All Together

"Alvin it's time." My new great close friend Aaron Martin called for me.

As I walk to my boss/co-worker I start ti think how I been waiting on this time to come.I was offically ready to go investigate this whole situation. People on a island disppearing. I couldn't believe what was happening. My ears were listening, my mind full of pictures like a photo album.

"This is your last time to drop this investigation," my boss explained.
"I want to go. This is my job an it consist of life or death situations."
"Alright man, I'm going to inform your wife. I hope to see you alive my wife."
"I hope so too. But if not tell my wife I love her and watch after her."

The whole time I was on the boat there news cameras were going.My heart beat faster than a Nascar race. Once we got to the island my parnter was taking notes. The words I saw were:

"He tied his boat off and started to climb the cliffs. He knew that no one had lived to tell what was behind the cloud, but still he climbed."


He told me I was a man full of courage to take my own life because of my job. I listen but I also didn't because he forgot he was hire for the same reasons as I was. So I climb the mountain to the top. All you could see were lights that were bright like the gates of heaven were opening up just for me. It was so beautiful. There  were alot of people they were all dress in white. I felt welcome to be there at that moment. They came and they treated me like royality.
"WAIT!" I screamed.
Then, reality hit me. It was a volcano and if I took one more step I would of been dead like the rest. I had a dream for a mintue that brought me back to were I was at in that moment. But what would of happen to me if I fell in I would become an angle.
"Honey!" I heard my wife yell.
"WAKE Up your having a dream my love," I still hear her voice.
"Baby." I hug her so tight.
"Are you okay." she asked.
"I'm going to be fine right here with my family."
This is a story of Alvin Keller who traveled to a volcano island were most people don't return from. He was the first man to ever to return back from the island alive. My name is Aaron Martin ABC new reported  for most ridiculous dreams ever.

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