Saturday, December 22, 2012

A New Holiday

Dear Local Government,

Many people feel as though there should be a new holiday. I propose that the new holiday should be a holiday where Kids or Children are celebrate for there hard working and giving back to there communities. The name of the holiday would be "Bring Forth The Children."The main purpose is to Celebrate children that are hardworking, they want to better themselves and there community, they plan to have a future for themselves when they become adults.

I feel as though this holiday should be in August. In the summer time because then the children wouldn't be in school and wouldn't have to worry about taking school days off for this holiday. Many children would love this and would be happy that they have a day to get together with friends. I love children and this event would be a harmless free event  where parents don't have to worry about there children getting harmed.

I would be the President of this "Bring Forth The Children" event. People that love to voluteer to help set up such as parents of this communtiy. I would make it so that everyone that wants to help can come. But people that don't have a purpose of helping up and celebrating kids are not invited and I would have secruity there to make sure. Voluteers would have a braclet that says voluteer and every kid that enter the event would also have a braclet saying "I am a leader." So secruity  would know who should be there. I would invite a celebrities and  guess speakers to provide entertainment. I would aslo invite First Lady and the President.

This celebration would be helded at Park were there be alot of space and area for children to let all the pressure of there chest and have fun. The park would have alot of activites and bounce houses for the baby's at the event. I would have a plastic gate around the park so that the kids wouldn't wonder around and get lost also for secrutity reasons.

The people that are voluteers and helping would help me set up the decrotions around the park. The theme color would be a rainbow to brighten up the day. The kids have to eat so I would buy the food for them I would make sure that they are all fat by the time they leave. It would be a variety of foods from all types of cultures. The kids could wear anything to the event costumes ofr there favorite outfit. But the voluteers and helpers would have to wear rainbow shirts and jeans. The activities would be set up by me and secruity to make sure it's safe for the children.

                                                                                                       Brianna Jones
                                                                                                       Brianna Jones

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