Saturday, December 22, 2012

A New Holiday

Dear Local Government,

Many people feel as though there should be a new holiday. I propose that the new holiday should be a holiday where Kids or Children are celebrate for there hard working and giving back to there communities. The name of the holiday would be "Bring Forth The Children."The main purpose is to Celebrate children that are hardworking, they want to better themselves and there community, they plan to have a future for themselves when they become adults.

I feel as though this holiday should be in August. In the summer time because then the children wouldn't be in school and wouldn't have to worry about taking school days off for this holiday. Many children would love this and would be happy that they have a day to get together with friends. I love children and this event would be a harmless free event  where parents don't have to worry about there children getting harmed.

I would be the President of this "Bring Forth The Children" event. People that love to voluteer to help set up such as parents of this communtiy. I would make it so that everyone that wants to help can come. But people that don't have a purpose of helping up and celebrating kids are not invited and I would have secruity there to make sure. Voluteers would have a braclet that says voluteer and every kid that enter the event would also have a braclet saying "I am a leader." So secruity  would know who should be there. I would invite a celebrities and  guess speakers to provide entertainment. I would aslo invite First Lady and the President.

This celebration would be helded at Park were there be alot of space and area for children to let all the pressure of there chest and have fun. The park would have alot of activites and bounce houses for the baby's at the event. I would have a plastic gate around the park so that the kids wouldn't wonder around and get lost also for secrutity reasons.

The people that are voluteers and helping would help me set up the decrotions around the park. The theme color would be a rainbow to brighten up the day. The kids have to eat so I would buy the food for them I would make sure that they are all fat by the time they leave. It would be a variety of foods from all types of cultures. The kids could wear anything to the event costumes ofr there favorite outfit. But the voluteers and helpers would have to wear rainbow shirts and jeans. The activities would be set up by me and secruity to make sure it's safe for the children.

                                                                                                       Brianna Jones
                                                                                                       Brianna Jones

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Putting It All Together

"Alvin it's time." My new great close friend Aaron Martin called for me.

As I walk to my boss/co-worker I start ti think how I been waiting on this time to come.I was offically ready to go investigate this whole situation. People on a island disppearing. I couldn't believe what was happening. My ears were listening, my mind full of pictures like a photo album.

"This is your last time to drop this investigation," my boss explained.
"I want to go. This is my job an it consist of life or death situations."
"Alright man, I'm going to inform your wife. I hope to see you alive my wife."
"I hope so too. But if not tell my wife I love her and watch after her."

The whole time I was on the boat there news cameras were going.My heart beat faster than a Nascar race. Once we got to the island my parnter was taking notes. The words I saw were:

"He tied his boat off and started to climb the cliffs. He knew that no one had lived to tell what was behind the cloud, but still he climbed."


He told me I was a man full of courage to take my own life because of my job. I listen but I also didn't because he forgot he was hire for the same reasons as I was. So I climb the mountain to the top. All you could see were lights that were bright like the gates of heaven were opening up just for me. It was so beautiful. There  were alot of people they were all dress in white. I felt welcome to be there at that moment. They came and they treated me like royality.
"WAIT!" I screamed.
Then, reality hit me. It was a volcano and if I took one more step I would of been dead like the rest. I had a dream for a mintue that brought me back to were I was at in that moment. But what would of happen to me if I fell in I would become an angle.
"Honey!" I heard my wife yell.
"WAKE Up your having a dream my love," I still hear her voice.
"Baby." I hug her so tight.
"Are you okay." she asked.
"I'm going to be fine right here with my family."
This is a story of Alvin Keller who traveled to a volcano island were most people don't return from. He was the first man to ever to return back from the island alive. My name is Aaron Martin ABC new reported  for most ridiculous dreams ever.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Are Pictures Reallly Worth 1,000 words?

Describe: What do you see?
In this picture there are five hearses. There is a lot of people outside. There is a lady standing next to one of the hearses. There are people with flowers. There is a rose on the ground. Also there is a flag on the ground with many poles as if there is more than one flag down. There’s a guy trying to put the flowers on top of the fourth hearse. There are flags on top of the caskets. On all of the caskets there are United Kingdom flags. There are spectators watching. An people walking away from the crowd of people. I see all white people in the picture. I see the lady reflection in the car. Also three cracks in the street. There are a lot of adults and not that many children or teens. There are people with their mouths open and some are close. Some people look mad their self’s like they should have never let their love one go to war.
Analyze: What is happening?
In this picture I think that the hearses are driving to the grave site. But I think that the hearse had stop because of the lady that ran out towards the hearse. The lady at the hearse is kissing it and is crying to here love one that died which is a private soldier in Wooton Bassett, England. Her cousin is one out of seven soldiers that pass in the war. The people standing around in watching are people that knew the soldiers that past and had come to pay respect to their soldiers. Some people look surprise or don’t believe what is going on right now or what are going to happen in the future. The people that are walking away are people that don’t care or it’s too much pain from watching the soldiers go. So many people in shock like they are hoping that there love haven’t past. There are people with shades on so I’m guessing that they are crying and try not to show it in front of a crowd of people.
Predict: What is GOING to happen?
What I’m predicting is going to happen is the people are going to walk with the hearses and watch the soldiers get buried at their grave site. I think the lady at the car is going to keep crying all during the funeral service and all the way to the grave site. The funeral service is going to be sad with a lot of people are going to be crying about of their lost love ones and friends and even enemies. I think that the soldiers that were lost at war are going to be replace with other soldiers that are advance enough to be put in that rank. Soldiers are going to be replace with recruits. I think that the army soldiers are going to always remember the soldiers that were lost in the war. And that their families are going to always have a piece of their love one in their heart somewhere and the memories will never be lost but remember in their everyday life. I also believe that if the lady that at the car with her cousin is going to take care of his family or be the other figure or role model in his children’s life especially if there mother isn’t in the picture. I believe that every single person that is watching this happen is going to remember the day and place and time when this event happening and how it effect there country and economy in some many ways. And the people life’s would change and have a reality check about their self’s before they die or if they believe in god before they go home to be with their lord. Some of the soldiers that are friends with the soldiers that pass away are going to feel guilty or feel like they should have been died of their friend because they the mistake.