Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Move Out The Way!!!!

Before Hurricane Sandy

I was ready for Halloween. I was going costume shopping with my little sister and brother. It was a normal day just a little cloudy day in October. I was ready for Halloween man I had in my mind I was going to be pippy longstockings since I love wearing colorful socks and all. I was waiting to get all good grades since the mid marking period grades was alright even though I wanted it a little bit higher than what was report to me on parent teacher conference. In about two weeks the marking period grades closes and I am going to be on honor roll. Track is about to start man im about like mario or packman you AINT CATCHING ME...

Hurricane Sandy Here Yes!!!!

Me and My grandmother were watching the news. Its October 29th the day were the news people will be really wrong about Sandy being so strong. They need to stop gassing it up like that. I thought cause nothing was happening. But that night it got real. I was a little kid again I got scared and close my eyes and prayed. I couldnt see out the window. All I could see was colors I thought I was going blind and to let you know I dont wear glasses so that was a problem for me. Next thing, I know i was laying in the bed under the covers an was ready for the world to end. An if it was to end and I was to die I want to die in my sleep so I would be in peace.


I think that sandy was a reality check. She made me realize that the world should learn to spend time with family and realize that eletronics are a habit that is bad and one of the reasons why we are far away from family and closer to our social life. Also,  not to take everything for granite. So I was thank for another day of life and my day was going to be great cause I was closer to family and nothing could stop us from bonding with one another.

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