Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Marlin Moment

I always had a problem with English. It was never my favorite subject. When I was elementary I was challege I really couldn't read or spell things correctly. I talk to my teacher and asked for help and all she ever told me was to try and study.

When I got home I would do my math homework first because it was easy to me and I knew how to count. I didnt look forward to studying. I push myself to study. My mind was set on passing my next test. I ask my mom to help me and she did. The next test I had I got a lower grade then the first one.  So my mother had got a phone call. The teacher explain to my mother that I was having trouble with reading and spelling.

 My mother brought Hooked on Phonics. Everyday I had pulled out the Hooked on Phonics and listen to the tapes, and take notes. I started getting better with my tests.I thought I was good. So I finish the whole Hooked on Phonics lessons. I stop studying because I master the concept. I got too eight grade and got a reality check. I started failling  English again. I didn't tell my mother. Once she went to Parent teacher conferences she found out I was failing. Not because of spelling but because my reading level was at 6 grade level. Mrs. Quinn was my eight grade english teacher she explained to my mother that she would help push me up so that I would be a the right pace. I got the help and she worked hard to help me. I got to my level reading but I still hated to read. I told Mrs. Quinn that and she told me, "that's only because you really just started fighting your challenge." I believed in those words and I continue to fight on. Understanding that English was a subject that I had a struggle with, but I had to learn it because it was in the real world.

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