Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Marlin Moment

I always had a problem with English. It was never my favorite subject. When I was elementary I was challege I really couldn't read or spell things correctly. I talk to my teacher and asked for help and all she ever told me was to try and study.

When I got home I would do my math homework first because it was easy to me and I knew how to count. I didnt look forward to studying. I push myself to study. My mind was set on passing my next test. I ask my mom to help me and she did. The next test I had I got a lower grade then the first one.  So my mother had got a phone call. The teacher explain to my mother that I was having trouble with reading and spelling.

 My mother brought Hooked on Phonics. Everyday I had pulled out the Hooked on Phonics and listen to the tapes, and take notes. I started getting better with my tests.I thought I was good. So I finish the whole Hooked on Phonics lessons. I stop studying because I master the concept. I got too eight grade and got a reality check. I started failling  English again. I didn't tell my mother. Once she went to Parent teacher conferences she found out I was failing. Not because of spelling but because my reading level was at 6 grade level. Mrs. Quinn was my eight grade english teacher she explained to my mother that she would help push me up so that I would be a the right pace. I got the help and she worked hard to help me. I got to my level reading but I still hated to read. I told Mrs. Quinn that and she told me, "that's only because you really just started fighting your challenge." I believed in those words and I continue to fight on. Understanding that English was a subject that I had a struggle with, but I had to learn it because it was in the real world.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The History Of Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is a day that you celebrate with your love one. Valentine's Day was contribute to St. Valentine which was a Catholic bishop. The romans engaged an annual young man the right to pass the God Lupercus. The names of young woman were place in box's and names were drawn randomly. Men were assigned to a woman as to become a companion for a year. This process had ended after 800 years.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Holiday Break Ups

Spring Break is a rough time for relationships. The kids come  home from Spring break and don't want anyone holding then back from doing what they want to do or choose to see. They come out of college flirting with guys/girls. So they really don't want to have the same person clingying to them during their Spring break vacation. 2 weeks before Christmas couples break up because their parnters cant afford the gift their parnter wants. They feel asthough if they get them a gift for Christmas it might not be what their parnter really might want. I believe that people that break up during April fools just to do it as a joke and other parnter really is done with the relationship. Now Valentine's Day relationship come and go. Many relationship because the couples have lose their love connection. During the Summer couples stay the together really not that many broken relationships. They relationships probably fail from not seeing each other enough during the summer time. An Christmas the favorite time of the year. Nobody breaks up on the christmas because next is New Years and you want to get that New Year kiss from your love one.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Personification is when you give a non-living a a human characteristic.

Sunday is a lazy old man that just sleeps all day. When sunday wakes up he finds out that one of

knees gives out. So sunday sleeps in the bed to earse all the pain inside. Monday is a nascar 

driver that would never put on the brakes. When he gets into car accidents he know as the hit and

run guy that flys around. He is wanted in 20 states. Tuesday is a woman that is full of all

different types of diseases. The doctors call her the queen of the congestion. They look at her charts

to classify human diseases. Wednesday is a football player that can't wait for the half-time
show. They call him the creep. Wednesday prefers you to call him the want to be player.

Thursday is biopolar. She wants everything but her mood changes and then she goes to the next

thing. She always quits a job because she never finishes what she started. Friday is Saturday's

girlfirend she wants always too be with him but then she doesn't want him clinging on to her. She is a

very independant girl you can always picture her being places by herself.  Saturday is a jock. He is

in loves with Friday but wishes that she could be more like a friend with benefits so he could stop

lieing to her. He likes the fact that shes independant so when she wants him to leave he goes to find a

girl to flirt with. He is know as a cheater.