Monday, January 21, 2013


Many African-American leader's fought for our rights! Dr. Martin Luther King in his last speech I quote "We've got some difficult days ahead." Dr. King knew that to get equality there were going to be hardships. If Dr. Martin Luther King came into my class he would be proud about something's but also would be disappointed.

Dr. King for the rights for people to stay together and be treated as one. If  Dr. King was alive to see his dream come true he would be proud of his accomplishments. He would think that the kids of our society take for granted the sacrifises that our African- Americans leaders made. He would be disappointed about how we have the rights of freedom of speech but became people who have started commiting wrong deeds.

Positioned on the fact that we take our civil rights so for-granted. Believeing in Dr. King beliefs on Civil Rights he would remind us of how in his adolescent years, he was not able to go to school with whites and hispanics, and how we waste this opportunity so scornfully. He would also remind us the struggles and severe beatings our African-American activist went through to achieve those rights. He would also state how we complain about people calling us "NIGGAS" but yet we call our brothers and sisters these same words of disrespect. We cannot be hypocritical when it comes to beliveing in those rights; we must change.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be proud but also disappointed at us degrading his life work. He stated in his fifth speech "The Birth of A New Nation" I quote:

"Priveleged classes never give up their privileges without strong resistance."

To make I better nation I believe that we should live to statement Dr. King stated and we should embrance the histrocial facts about nations struggles. 

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