Saturday, November 24, 2012

Saving Our Daughters

November 2012

My son is going to killed if he doesn't change his lifestyle. My daughther she will be good I still have time to change her ways of thinging. My daughter will learn from her mistakes in life. Theses are the thoughts of our parents in society today. My name is Aaliyah Banks an I live in Atlanta, Georgia.
Down here in ATL also known as Atlanta the population is 432,427. All types of people live here in the Peach State such as African-Americans, Hispanics, and on the rich side of town the Whites. Georgia is the country its called that because the people here have all types of ascents. So you never know what to expect when you come here to vistor or become apart of our community.

June 2006

My mother just died and all you have to say to me is you have to move on lee-lee.
"Think about it what are you going to do here you are only ten years old," Auntie Grace was tryin to explain, "you can't  stay here by yourself."
"You can take me."
"No I Can't."
"Why do I have to go to Atlanta with a grandmother I never met."
"I don't have to explain anything to you young lady," She was being rude," Your bags are pack now get in the car.
Now I'm 10 years old. I can't make any of my own choices. This is the worst thing that could ever happen. I'm going to make this a living nightmare. My mother’s died and my aunt says too me move on that's my mother, your sister. I wonder what she was thinking as she said thoses words to me. I would never forget it. It replays in my mind for months.
We just arrived at my grandmothers and this is what my aunt says to me before I get out the car:
Remember that I'm here for you. I always will be because I'm your aunt. Now, I’m sorry for saying you need to move on but if your mother was here she would tell you that she making sure you don’t be like her when she was laying on her death bed. You are going to have to live here with your grandmother because that’s was your mothers last wishes before she left earth. You are to respect to her. Listen to her. And you do whatever she asks because she’s an old woman and even though you don’t know her you need to get to know her. And she would like to meet you. So show her some love. Ms. Banks I love you young lady and if you ever need me call me.
Those were the last words I heared from my aunt. She had started doing drugs cause she wasn't moving on with the fact with my mother dieing. My mother was the boldest woman and she was the best mother. 

 August 2006


Its been two months and all I can remember about my mom is the way she left my spirit in people by the way she describe me to people such as to long lost grandmother. My grandma is an short African-Amercian woman in her 60's. My grandma told me that she was told that I was a beautiful girl with long wavy hair with my mothers nice hazel brown eyes. I was tall with with braces and I always weared the newest trends in fashion. She was also told I wanted to become a fashion judge like Tyra Banks but the new name in the fashion world would be Aaliyah Banks. Its funny we both have the same last name but I bet I can make a better fashion statement.
My grandma sent me to this program Saving My Daughter. Its a program in ATL were they help young woman such as myself to get over the passing of a family member or friend. I went there everyday for about two hours a day. I would go right afterschool than my grandmother would pick me up. I only had to go there for threes months and then I would graduate for the program.
Saving My Daughter program was a nice program I loved it. It gave me something to think about other than my mother. It help me see that my mother wasnt the only one who can give my courage and tell me I was beautiful.

June 2012


I now work at Saving My Daughters. I help the young ladys and I have conversations with them. I just listen and I dont do that much talking because  I wish that was what they had did when I was in the program but here my update on my life:
Its been 6 years and I still go to visit my mom grave. I wish she was here but my grandmother tought me that when my  mother died she was heaven. An now that I'm save I be there right there when I die Im now 16 years old I got to Lincoln High School as a Junior. I pass my PSAT with good scores from my grandmother keeping my head up and giving me courage to learn that life moves on. An thoughts and meomories stay for your lifetime.
Now, my long lost grandmother is my love of my life. She still staying strong in my life and positve remodel. My aunt I saw last year for christmas. I wanted to give her a boot and tell her to keep walking but I love her too. As for my mommy she left in my heart and never to be forgoten.  




Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Move Out The Way!!!!

Before Hurricane Sandy

I was ready for Halloween. I was going costume shopping with my little sister and brother. It was a normal day just a little cloudy day in October. I was ready for Halloween man I had in my mind I was going to be pippy longstockings since I love wearing colorful socks and all. I was waiting to get all good grades since the mid marking period grades was alright even though I wanted it a little bit higher than what was report to me on parent teacher conference. In about two weeks the marking period grades closes and I am going to be on honor roll. Track is about to start man im about like mario or packman you AINT CATCHING ME...

Hurricane Sandy Here Yes!!!!

Me and My grandmother were watching the news. Its October 29th the day were the news people will be really wrong about Sandy being so strong. They need to stop gassing it up like that. I thought cause nothing was happening. But that night it got real. I was a little kid again I got scared and close my eyes and prayed. I couldnt see out the window. All I could see was colors I thought I was going blind and to let you know I dont wear glasses so that was a problem for me. Next thing, I know i was laying in the bed under the covers an was ready for the world to end. An if it was to end and I was to die I want to die in my sleep so I would be in peace.


I think that sandy was a reality check. She made me realize that the world should learn to spend time with family and realize that eletronics are a habit that is bad and one of the reasons why we are far away from family and closer to our social life. Also,  not to take everything for granite. So I was thank for another day of life and my day was going to be great cause I was closer to family and nothing could stop us from bonding with one another.