Friday, September 28, 2012

Into the Wild

Safari- East Africa
1. Where are you going? Why? Where is it on a map?

I’m planning my trip to the East part of Africa. One part of Africa that I want to see is the Safari. Which is located in Kenya, Tanzania, and Rwanda part of Africa. A Safari is a jungle or a wildlife environment. People go to Safari’s to view, for photographing, and experiencing animals in their natural habits. A main reason why I would like to go is because I love animals. Many people who come to my house say that it’s Dr. Dolittle’s House. I had about every type of animal or pet you could think of. So, I think this would be a nice experience for me. Africa is on the Eastern part of the map. Kenya, Tanzania, and Rwanda is on the east part on the continent of Africa.

2. How long will you be traveling?

It would take me an hour to get to New York from New Jersey. Then it takes 15 to 16 hours to get to Africa from New York. So thats like already for 3 fourths of my day. So I would just round that to a day. So I would to travel around Africas Safari for 15 days.

3. How do you plan to travel? (car, hitchhiking, train, walking, biking, etc.) Why are you choosing this mode of transportation?

I would like to ride in the car on my drive to New York. Then from New York catch a flight (also known as a plane) to Kenya, Africa. I choose that type of transportation because that would be the best way for I have two reasons. First reason, is because I'm still a teenager so I can’t walk because I don’t know my way to New York or to Africa. Second reason, is because I don’t like to walk for really long distances. If I did any other type of transportation than I wouldn't be able to carry that much supplies I would need for my trip.


4. What will you need for your trip? How are you going to provide food/traveling expenses while you're on the road?

What I would need for my trip is a 15 day supplies of food ,and something to drink also. Next I would have to pack these materials ( 7 pairs of shoes such as sneakers- rain boots, 21 tops, and 
21 bottoms, my jewelry box, tooth bush, tooth paste, wash cloth, body wash, soap, my hair products.) I would provide all these things by using my life savings.

5. What do you want to accomplish on this trip (i.e. Chris wanted to survive in the Alaskan wild)
Somethings I would like to acccomplish on this trip is getting use to wildlife. Something like getting to know how animals interact with one others in there habits. How there living conditions are in the wildest. Another thing, is to help me to have the courage to face wild animals and lose that fear of mines. Also, to get to know a different part of the world.

 6. How will you record your experiences?I  would record all my experiences by Journal writing and mental meories of my time in the Sarfari of East Africa. Also, by snaping pictures of anmials and there habits.

Friday, September 21, 2012

BLOGS Trends

       This is one of the funny things I got off this website: This blog I like because it has funny links to kept people laughing. One thing I love to do is laugh so thats why I like it so much.  I also love to kept up with fashions trends worldwide. Even though I don't want that career to much work for that but I do try and kept up with new trends.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Think Different

       I think that the narrator was talking about how if your unique in your own way thats how you become known in the world. Also, how you could start makin a difference in society.Do I agree with narrator? I agree with his because look at entertainment today. For example, if your auditoning to become a singer the judges are looking for different or unique voices in entertainment today.Second, if there wasn't any variety in today's society or people who are different there wouldn't be anything to set apart the human race.